Sunday, June 29, 2014

Journal week 4

Dear Journal,

The past couple days have been rough with my lost phone, pick pocketed wallet, the miss-dated ticket and other problems back at home. I never understood the concept of the ‘world falling beneath your feet’ until all of these events continually slapped me across face within the past four day. At this point even the smallest things, like tripping on the sidewalk or an out dated metro pass, made me want to fall to my knees and break into tears.My mind was clouded and I was awaiting for the next bad thing to happen. Luckily I was/am traveling with the best group of friends; I had a negative view of Valencia after the pickpocket incident but that same night my views were changed. After the theft, all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball on my bed and wait for the next day to come, but my friends convinced me to go to the fair with them. I felt that I would be a sketchy little walk over to the fair for a group of girls, so I followed. My wallet was gone, all I had in my pocket were a couple euros; the plan for me there was to take photos of friends and people at the fair. The next thing I knew, Vivian was handed me a ticket for the first ride. After that Meli offered to buy me some food and a drink. Everyone chipped in for my drink; the bar tender was very kind, giving away two tickets for the bumper cars. The last ride we got on, Vivian explained how I lost my wallet and ticket sales man brought the price down from three euros to one. After this night I definitely felt a lot better. Walking back to the hostel we passed homeless people; that got me thinking, the position I was earlier that day when my wallet was taken from me, I was still better off than a lot of people. There are so many other people in the world that require more attention than I do. All and all, my friends were awesome and I decided that Valencia was filled with great people; you just need to find them.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kao — love your spirit. It has been such a challenging few days for you; one thing after another. Various kinds of list but still you manage to find the good and joyful regardless. Good for you. Let me know how I can help if necessary. I am glad you went to Valencia... and look forward to seeing some pictures. Thank goodness you have your camera, passport, and other precious belongings. Un abrazo!
